Early this year, Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S3, which proved to be a powerful smartphone and easily gained popularity. The device boasts some of its amazing features such as a huge screen display, 4G/LTE connectivity, NFC support through S Beam. And recently Asus took the wraps of its smartphone-in-a-tablet hybrid device-the Padfone 2 with the fresh Android OS and compelling hardware. But the 4.7 inch ASUS phone puts it in direct competition with the Samsung Galaxy S3. Below is the comparison of the two devices.
Display: The Galaxy S3 features a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED display, which is marginally bigger than the Asus offering's 4.7-inch inch Super IPS+ display. Both smartphones have the same pixels resolution of 1280 x 720. However, the Padfone 2 betters the Galaxy S3 with its higher pixel density of 312 pixels per inch (ppi), as opposed to the Samsung device's 306 ppi.
Storage and Memory: Both the smartphones offer 16/32/64 GB of on-board storage options. However, the Galaxy S3 has an expandable memory option (of up to32GB) via a microSD card, unlike the Padfone 2.However, at 2GB of RAM, the Padfone 2 offers double the memory of the Galaxy S3 (1GB of RAM).
Processor: Samsung Galaxy S3 is equipped with 1.4 GHz quad core Exynos processor with 1GB of dual-channel RAM. The Padfone 2 packs in a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro quad-core Krait processor, which is clocked at a slightly faster 1.5GHz. The processor shows it slightly more powerful than Galaxy S3.
Video playback:Both phones play videos clearly and smoothly for a longtime due to their high resolution display, good battery life, and fast 4G speeds. But Padfone 2 support MP4 MPEG4 H.264 H.263 WMV formats videos and
Samsung Galaxy S3’s friendly video formats include MPEG-4, MP4, DivX, XviD, WMV, H.264, H.263, etc. If you happen to get these two phones and want to watch movies on both of them without Wi-Fi limitation, MP4 format video is the appropriate one. So if you have downloaded lots of movies from YouTube, Hulu, Myspace or other famous video sharing websites for free, you’d betterconvert FLV to MP4 with a Video Converter so that these YouTube FLV files can be played properly on these two gadgets anytime and anywhere.
Weight, Thickness, and Body: The Padfone 2 measures 5.43 x 2.71 x 0.35 inches, making it taller than the Galaxy S3 which measures 5.38 x 2.78 x 0.35 inches. Both devices have the same thickness; however, the Galaxy S3 is fractionally wider. Weight wise, at 4.69 ounces, the Galaxy S3 is a little lighter than the 4.76 ounces of the Padfone 2.
Operating System: Both devices were released with Android's Ice Cream Sandwich operating system, which can be later upgraded to the latest Android v4.1 Jelly Bean.
Camera: Samsung Galaxy 3's 8MP rear camera and 1.9 MP front camera will go against Asus PadFone 2's 13MP shooter and 1.2 MP front camera. The 13MP camera on the PadFone 2 surely performs far better than the Galaxy S3’s 8MP equivalent, and it can click 100 continuous shots at 6 fps, and even record videos at 720p resolution. What’s even cooler is the 50GB of cloud storage space that Asus is offering with the device to ensure that you are never at a loss for storage.
Android’s become the most popular smartphone OS in the world. But that just makes it so much harder for there to be a clear leader among Android phones. However, since the hybrid hasn’t officially launched, Samsung is still the current smartphone market leader, whereas Asus is yet to break into the top five and establish a stronger presence. The new PadFone 2 from ASUS looks so eagerly to become a direct competitor to the Samsung Galaxy S3. Hello Samsung officials, you’d better to watch out for it!